Kat Flanagan Broadbill Creative Owner

An Inside Look at the Owner of Broadbill Creative: Kat

Swordfishing easily became one of my favorite types of fishing. I can’t really explain what it is that intrigued me, but from day one I was hooked. There’s so much we don't know about these fish. The actually techniques for fishing for these creatures vary; everyone has their own preferences or beliefs. If you think baseball players are superstitious, we’ll let me tell you to think again. Swordfishing and fishing in general bring superstitions to the next level. Some believe in the glitter and glow sticks. Others swear small bottles of licorice liquor bring good fortune. But, they all drop to dark, muddy depths and canyons in hope that they land an elusive broadbill. 

Later on I found myself with sun bleached swordfish bills from a buoy trip. 

I  cracked a cerveza and broke the paint out, I finally got around to painting some swordfish bills. 

Here is the finished product below. 

View Instagram post on the creator here. 



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